0308Fight with Virus
Connect your USB to PC/Laptop
Open it following these method Virus Detection Without Antivirus.
Now go to top right corner of the window where you will find search tab.
Type *.exe in that tab and press enter
If you get any folder in search results that is your virus just simply select it and delete.
Be Careful don't try to open it or it will infect your whole system
Go to Organize option on Left top Corner Near Back Button
Select Folder and Search Options
Select View Tab in FolderOptions
In the list you will find a option name Hide Extensions for Known file Types as shown in snap below.
Untick the option and click ok.
Now you will see all files in your USB will show filename with some extension(eg: Filename.exe)
Now if you see any folder name showing some "Foldername.exe" - That's it. That's your VIRUS just delete it without trying to open it.